Asian instruments

  • Adult and Child

    for mezzo-soprano, baritone, koto and harpsichord (2018; 16 min.)
  • Ceremony of Yearning

    for woodwind soloist and Chinese-instrument ensemble (2015; 12 min.)
  • Color Garden

    for pipa (2010; 11 min.)
  • Four Ways to Be Human

    for orchestra of Chinese instruments (2020; 35 min.)
  • Mirroring

    for shakuhachi and cello (2019; 11 min.) performed by Shawn Renzoh Head, shakuhachi and Daron Kirsch, cello
  • Moon and Sun

    for erhu, zheng, percussion and choir (2007; 11 min.)
  • Mystery Play

    for zheng and string quartet (2007; 13 min.)
  • Sound and Celebrant

    for solo guzheng and recorded guzheng ensemble (2010; 8 min.)
  • Weave

    for Chinese plucked-string ensemble (2009, rev. 2013; 10 min.)
  • Winter Into Spring

    for pipa and Chinese plucked-string ensemble (2013; 17 min.)